
Policy documents ensure that school life is governed by a clear set of rules for any and every occasion. It ensures that there is consistency of actions and resolutions for all children in our learning environment. They serve to keep standards high across the breadth of events that can take place and enable staff to re-visit these guidelines on a regular basis to re-evaluate procedures.

Absence from school for exceptional circumstances / May 2024

Absence guidelines / May 2024

Administration of Medical Conditions Policy / May 2024

Admissions Policy (TEAL, 2024-25) / May 2024

Anti Bullying Charter / May 2024

Anti Bullying Policy / May 2024

Attendance and Punctuality Policy / May 2024

Behaviour Policy / May 2024

British Values / May 2024

Calculation Policy - Addition and Subtraction / May 2024

Calculation Policy - Multiplication and Division / May 2024

Charging and Remissions Policy / May 2024

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy / May 2024

Code of Conduct for Parents Carers and Visitors / May 2024

Collective Worship Policy / May 2024

Complaint Submission Form / May 2024

Complaints and Communications Policy (TEAL) / Dec 2024

Complaints Procedure and Policy / May 2024

Coronavirus Remote and Online Learning Plan / May 2024

Coronavirus Remote Learning Policy / May 2024

Coronavirus Remote Learning Policy Appendix A / May 2024

Educational Visits Policy / May 2024

English Writing Policy / May 2024

Equality & Diversity Policy / May 2024

Exclusion Policy / May 2024

FOI Publication Scheme / May 2024

Freedom of Information Policy / May 2024

Healthy Eating and Drinking Policy / May 2024

Home School Agreement / May 2024

Homework Policy / May 2024

ICT and Internet Acceptable Use Policy / May 2024

Inclusion Policy / May 2024

Looked After Children Policy / May 2024

Managing aggressive behaviour from parents and visitors to our school / May 2024

Managing Medical Conditions Policy / May 2024

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy / May 2024

Mobile Phone Safeguarding Policy / May 2024

Photography and Media Consent form / May 2024

Privacy Notice - All Pupils / May 2024

Privacy Notice - Workforce / May 2024

Privacy Notice – Pupils / May 2024

Privacy Notices – Staff / May 2024

Publication Scheme / Jul 2023

Pupil Premium Policy / May 2024

Records Management and Data Quality Policy / May 2024

Relationships and Sex Education Policy / May 2024

School Publication Scheme on information available under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 / May 2024

School Uniform Policy / May 2024

SEND Policy / May 2024

Spiritual Development Policy / May 2024

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) / May 2024

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Policy Statement / May 2024

Sustainable Travel Strategy / May 2024

Teaching and Learning Policy / May 2024

Visitors Policy / May 2024

Trust Policies

Additional Policies can be found on The Education Alliance website.